Pants -
بناطيل BanaaTeel
Password (Internet, Vocabulary) - Kalimatu'l Murur- كَلِمَةُ الْمُرُوْرِ
plant (Nouns) - نبات nabaat
River (Bodies of Water, Nouns) - Nahr- نَهرٌ
Size -
مقاس maqaas
Stay / Remain in Arabic (Verbs) - To Stay
بَقِيَ - يَبْقَى - اِبْقَ - بَقَاءٌ
- Past- Baqiya
- Present- Yabqa
- Command- Ibqa
- Verbal Noun- Baqaa'
Steadiness - ثبات thabaat
Stream (Bodies of Water, Nouns) - Majra- مَجْرى
Structure - Tarkeeb تركيب
Tool - adaat أداة